It has been said that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts. Unfortunately, homosexual activists act as if they are entitled to their own facts, one of which asserts that there is no real difference between heterosexual and homosexual relationships. Same-sex marriage advocate Andrew Sullivan writes, “[Gay marriage] says for the first time that gay relationships are not better or worse than straight relationships.... ”
Sullivan is right—that’s what government-backed gay marriage would say to the world—but that’s exactly why we should not endorse it. The idea that “homosexual relationships are not better or worse than straight relationships” is utter nonsense. How can he deny that man-woman unions are the foundation of civilization? Doesn’t he realize that he would not exist or have grown up in such a civilized society without natural marriage?
The truth is that some relationships are better than others. People are equal, but their behaviors are not. Since homosexual behavior is contrary to the natural design and compatibility of the body, same-sex relationships can never function like man-woman relationships, nor can they birth the same benefits. So let’s stop trying to equate same-sex with heterosexual relationships. They never can be the same. Biology prevents it and the evidence we are about to see disproves it.
Medically homosexuality results in numerous health problems to those who practice it, including increases in AIDS, other STDs, colon and rectal cancer, and hepatitis.
For God and My Country, Uganda
Robert Grace Kisenyi
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