That's a lie!

Lie:                     Homosexuality is natural
Homosexuality is not an innate tendency but rather a habit that develops with corruption of the mind especially at the most vulnerable stages of development. Most practicing homosexuals, have had challenges while growing related to absence of parental care and guidance; some of them have been sexually abused at their early stages of growth; others have been tortured by a particular sex and thus developed a phobia for it; and still others have entered the practice due to love for easy money; others especially in single sex schools have fallen prey to homosexual lifestyle due to lack of the other sex, male/female among others. All people engaging in homosexual acts have been somewhat recruited. Besides, no behavior can be passed on to the offspring;hereditary, which makes homosexuality, a behavioral disorientation, an unnatural indulgence.


  1. To add onto that;
    It’s never one thing alone that causes same sex attarction, it is many factors combined for example:

    1. Heredity
    > Unresolved family issues
    > Misperceptions
    > Predilection(or special liking/bias) for rejection

    2. Temperament
    > Hypersensitivity
    > Gender nonconforming behaviors

    3. Hetero-Emotional Wounds
    > Over attachment to opposite-sex parent
    > Imitation of opposite-sex behavior
    > Neglect or Abuse

    4. Homo-Emotional Wounds
    > Detachment from same-gender parent
    > Abuse: verbal, mental, emotional, sexual, physical

    5. Sibling Wounds/Family Dynamics
    > Name calling
    > Put-downs
    > Abuse

    6. Body Image Wounds
    > Skinnier/Larger - Shorter/Taller
    > Lack of eye-hand coordination
    > Late bloomer
    > Physical disabilities

    7. Sexual Abuse
    > Homosexual imprinting
    > Learned and reinforced behaviors
    > Substitute for affection and love

    8. Homo-Social/Peer Wounds
    > Teacher’s pet
    > Non-athletic
    > Boys: no rough and tumble
    > Girls: too much rough and tumble
    > Name calling

    9. Cultural Wounds
    > Internet, media, and educational system promote homosexuality
    > Pornography

    10. Other Factors
    > Divorce
    > Death of a caregiver
    > Adoption
    > Religion

    these factors were derived from the International Healing Foundation headed by Richard Cohen, a Sexual Reorientation specialist.

  2. Homosexuality is not natural but choice of the will and a habit.Its more like being Kleptomaniac.No one should deceive you that there is anything like a homosexual child. It is un natural and contrary to conscience. As a matter of fact, it is practiced out of anxiety,sexual abuse, misguidance, rebellion etc as mentioned by Francis.

    We love homosexuals as people and that is why we dont want them to be bound to this vice/habit forever. We are willing to give both spiritual, moral guidance as well as make laws to control it.
    As much as pretenders brand others haters, we cant sit back and watch....wiz our conscience we know that homosexuality is bad, un natural,a sin and should be regulated.

  3. "Most practicing homosexuals, have had
    1) challenges while growing related to absence of parental care and guidance;
    2) some of them have been sexually abused at their early stages of growth;
    3) others have been tortured by a particular sex and thus developed a phobia for it;
    4) and still others have entered the practice due to love for easy money;
    5) others especially in single sex schools have fallen prey to homosexual lifestyle due to lack of the other sex, male/female among others.
    6) All people engaging in homosexual acts have been somewhat recruited."


    I am a homosexual man.

    1) Both my parents - mother and father loved me and cared for me.
    2) I was never sexually abused.
    3) I was never tortured by women, and I do not fear women.
    4) I never chased easy money for sex.
    5) I went to a co-educational school, with equal numbers of boys and girls.
    6) I was not "recruited". I knew I was gay. I knew I was attracted to men. It was not a choice. Those feelings were always there.

    So, your statement is a lie.

  4. If you "love homosexuals as people", why do you want to kill them?

  5. The truth will always be the truth! and it will never change. homosexuality is a naked lie. its abig shame that such powerful civilisation have not seen the big lie simply becouse they have lived with it for such along time.
    As uganda we will not put up with such a lie and later pay back

  6. No one wants to kill homosexuals.We rather want to save them from the devil's lie, help them live normal lives, behold their own children, be what God created them to be, save their hanging rectums and help them become themselves.Thax
