1. Natural marriage is the immune system of civilization. When our marriages are strong, our civilization is strong; when they are weak, individuals and communities suffer.
2. Same-sex marriage activists want to redefine marriage as simply a personal relationship between two committed parties, but marriage is much larger than the two parties involved in a marriage.
o Marriage is a social institution of long-established rules (based on the natural design of the human body) that provides society with the very foundation of civilization—the procreating family unit. That is, marriage is fundamentally about children and the civilization of society both now and for the future.
o Only natural marriage can procreate and consistently provide a nurturing and stable environment for the growth and maturation of children. In this sense, the most basic and effective “form of government” is the natural two-parent family.
o Statistically, children and adults inside of natural marriage are much better off socially, physically, financially, mentally, and emotionally than those outside of natural marriage.
o Those outside of natural marriage are not only worse off personally by those measures, but they cost society billions of dollars in social welfare and law-enforcement expenses.
3. The law is a great teacher—it encourages or discourages behavior.
4. Since the law is a great teacher, government-backed anti-homosexual law would put society’s stamp of disapproval on same-sex relationships and behavior.
This endorsement would fundamentally protect the institution of marriage to the advantage of our society. It would do the following:
o Un-equate homosexuality/same-sex marriage with natural relations/marriage, thereby teaching citizens not to engage in the socially disastrous ideas that natural marriage is no better than any other relationship and that marriage is not a prerequisite for children.
o Pass a strong message that marriage cannot be separated from childbearing; marriage is not just about coupling. This will result curb cohabitation and illegitimacy and painful costs to children and society.
o Discourage homosexual behaviour, which is medically destructive to those who engage in it and financially burdensome to the public in general.
5. In countries that have government-backed same-sex marriage/homosexual marriages, Natural marriage is weakest and illegitimacy strongest where same-sex marriage is legal.
6. Most homosexuals are not interested in marriage—approximately 96 percent of homosexuals in countries with same-sex marriage do not get married. They want government-backed same-sex marriage because it would validate and normalize homosexuality throughout society. (Homosexuals can already marry privately and many of them do—what they want is government endorsement.)
7. Some homosexual activists admit that they would like to destroy natural marriage by legalizing same-sex marriage. Since they refuse to live by society’s standards, they will only feel validated if they beat down those standards to the level of their own behavior. If they succeed, everyone in our country will be harmed in some way.
8. All common objections—including those that cite “discrimination” or “equal rights”—are fallacious (untrue).
Oh Uganda, May God Uphold you. I lay your future in God’s Hands
By Robert Grace Kisenyi
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